A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Gorgeous girl!

At last those funny, increasingly buck baby teeth have gone and I’ve got my gorgeous girl back. (She was gorgeous anyway I know) She’s very happy and no doubt is finding it much easier to eat!  A great birthday present!

I couldn’t resist using these when they arrived this morning  together with birthday greeting videos including Eda singing three different versions of ‘Happy Birthday to you’. When Jude was asked to say something nice for my birthday she said Unicorns!

Pilates as usual, the class before ours came out saying how cold they had been so Caron had put the heating on!
No rain today (yet) but still very cool. 
Chris and I went to the garden centre for coffee and to claim my free (birthday) piece of cake. The sun was out when we left and it felt much warmer but there’s still lots of cloud.

A relaxed afternoon and then a visit to our local town theatre tonight to see Sondheim’s ‘Company’. We saw Grace in it many years ago at the Rondo theatre in the village above which she now lives. It was a totally unknown place to us then and we, and they had no idea then that they would be living there.
Not sure how it will be but it will be interesting to see it again.

Incidentally it is the middle day of the year!

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