
By MovableParts

Absolutely Reptilian

Not sure what kind of turtle here. I thought it might be a snapper but the musician says no..  All of the other turtles in the pond do their best to ignore it, giving it a wide berth while they go about their swimming. (best viewed on black)

~ The context...the pond water is rather putrid looking and, I imagine, quite warm.  No need to read's exhausting.

I started posting at 9 PM. At 9:05, our neighbors called to ask if we could take them to the Heart Institute Emergency Room.  S, who had heart surgery on Friday, was having chest pains and thought he best get there quickly. We live just 10 minutes away, so of course we said yes!  After sitting with K for 2 hours while S received tests etc,, S. was admitted for an overnight.  When we brought K back home, she realized she had lost her keys. 

We normally have a set of their keys, but when we were last away, our other neighbors B/R needed the keys to take care of S/K's home (they were also out of town at that time).  Consequently, we had to get in touch with B/R (who are now out of town, whose house keys we have...flooded basement remember) to find out where in their home they had placed S/Ks keys.  Confused?  It's dizzying,

It all finally got resolved.  K is safely in her home. S is in the hospital but feeling better. B/R are with their kids in Portland, OR and I am just about to hit Publish at seven three minutes before midnight.

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