
By MovableParts

Don't Worry

One of the "Make a Wish" ornaments created during my birthday gathering.

We spent most of the day cleaning up debris in our home, yard, and sheds caused by the minor flooding that took place in our home and our neighbor's last night. We also netted our fig trees to keep the raccoons from eating them before we can.  

All of Roadie's chicks have fledged the nest (so soon!).  I hope they survived last night's torrential storm.  Roadie came by this evening to sit with us, eat some worms (actually he ate a lot; I think he finally felt he could indulge) and just chill. He stayed close by for more than half an hour. I'm very impressed with the very good way he took care of his first brood.

~ Here he is listening to one of his chicks, a few days ago, belligerently demanding to be fed.

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