Pictorial blethers

By blethers


As this interminable March weather continues into its 5th month (with that wee break in May when it was sunny) I found myself back in a normal routine today, beginning with Pilates class. Himself wasn't going to his class today, so I had the car to myself and arrived good and early for what turned out to be a very small class indeed. Goodness, did we work hard - I kept hearing my joints clicking and was horribly aware that my balance was poorer than usual. 

In the afternoon I went off for a walk with Di - we've both been too taken up with other things recently to fit in a walk together. As we were both tired from the Pilates we agreed that it'd just be a gentle amble, but Di's legs are longer than mine ... and anyway, we went up the hill to the road that runs parallel to the coast and then south towards the Holy Loch, where I was yesterday. That high road is where today's photo was taken, showing the dilapidated and decidedly ostentatious splendour of Dunselma, a totally unexpected building in a fairly ruinous condition. Historic Environment Scotland describes it thus: 
Dunselma was built in 1884-6 as a sailing lodge for James Coats Junior to the designs of architects Rennison and Scott. The house and associated buildings are the ultimate expression of the conspicuous wealth of late 19th century industrialists. 
Behind the house to the left you can see the road I was on yesterday when I took my photo for the day. My legs were moaning gently when I got back to the car, and they've not really recovered ...

I had an odd experience yesterday after posting my blip. As usual, I shared it on the site that I'm not going to name (I'm experimenting!) but which is well-known for its white and blue logo of the letter "f". Shortly after posting it, and just before I put the computer to sleep for the night, I got a message saying my post had been taken down as it contravened the rules in some way. To say I'm baffled would be an understatement; apparently I'm not alone in having this happen.

I shall try again tonight.

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