Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Another look at holy ...

This photo, taken in the late afternoon, is of the Holy Loch, where the US Navy Site One submarine base was for the latter third of the twentieth century, now empty (and rather more holy!) again. Funny, the Americans called it "Holy Loch" without the definite article which we natives always attach. I went a brisk walk there today with my friend Sarah, walking at about twice the pace I usually go at when out with Himself, getting my heart-rate well up and feeling much the better of it - and of the excellent chat, debriefing on the past fortnight because we'd not had the chance to talk in church this morning.

Church was lively today, with strong singing and a great number of random conversations afterwards. An American couple, visiting from the Florida panhandle (I was able to tell them that was the only bit of Florida I'd been in, briefly, walking over the state line on the beach as far as I recall.) The man was actually originally from London, and was here to investigate some family history ; by the time we'd finished and another friend asked him what he was going to do next he replied "I think I'll just stay and join this church!" - which was, I thought, a good accolade. 

It was briefly warm enough when we got home for me to sit in the garden, not because I had any intention of having my lunch there but just because it's not been something I've felt inclined to do more than three times this "summer" so far. In fact, I felt I was letting the sun thaw me out after church - the heating seems to be off for the summer, in much the same way as school heating used to be put off after the Easter break regardless of temperatures. 

And that was Sunday. My walk with Sarah, slightly longer than either of us had intended, made my dinner a tad late, with the knock-on effect of having me sitting here typing erratically after midnight. 

I shall now desist! 

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