
By TonyG

Eryngium bourgatii

After a comfortable night in the campervan, a happy, chatty couple of hours passed all too quickly.  Rosie shared pictures of a recent trip to the Pyrenees, bringing back memories of my first mountain flower holidays which were both to that area.  Coincidentally, almost the only plant I photographed amongst the many interesting and often unusual ones in her garden was native to the Pyrenees, the super spiny Eryngium bourgatii.  I have grown it for many years too although the plant in my current garden is rather overshadowed by it's neighbours.  I must collect some seed if it flowers this year and sow them elsewehere.

Lunchtime and the afternoon was spent in very convivial company with former work colleagues, friendships some of which go back over forty years.  

The drive back to Ruth's was grey, sometimes damp but uneventful.  Home in twenty-four hours.

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