
By LifeLines

Raspberries and Hollyhocks

July has arrived! It’s been an overcast but pleasantly warm day. In addition to our dog walks I popped to Emsworth to buy some gifts for a few colleagues, and for myself some turmeric and ginger honey produced just a few miles from here. I also did some rejigging of desks upstairs as we’re creating a craft room for sewing and other crafty activities.

This afternoon I made a quick trip to the allotment to pick another punnet of raspberries and more sweet peas. These hollyhocks are in bloom at the front of my plot. I had no idea what colour they would be when I planted them as they were from the ‘please take me’ section of the allotment site. However I’m really happy with how they turned out, so much so I’m hoping I can collect some seeds from them to sow next year.

- For weather that is warm enough for summery clothes but cool enough for activity.
- For homemade raspberry sponge for dessert this evening.
- To hear and see a white throat singing from a hawthorn hedge as we walked this afternoon.

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