
By spannarama

Printing and pricing prep

Busy Saturday.  Started the day by finding another bloody tick in my leg as I got in the shower.  Used our new tick tool to remove it, and managed to get it out in one piece - an improvement on my previous effort.  Once I'd finished being grossed out, I got on with cleaning the kitchen and bathroom, while Tim hoovered and tidied.

My brother and sister-in-law came to visit in the afternoon, bringing my niece and Mum with them, too.  It was so lovely to have them here.  We had a cuppa and a catch-up, and Tim gave I, K and S a tour of the new summer house, while I stayed inside with my Mum, and Tim video called us, so she could see it too.  Worked well :)

They could only stay a couple of hours, as they needed to get back for Mum's evening carer.  Once we'd waved them off, I got on with prepping all my stock for Forty Three shop - labelling every print, packaging up my greeting cards (Tim did a great job of helping me with that, as well as printing the labels), pricing everything, and printing my business cards and a little bio about myself.  Finally had it all done by about 10:30pm.  'Zausted!

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