
By spannarama

Another ending

Feeling pretty sad at times today about my boss leaving.  A few of us from my team had a catch-up at lunchtime, and I also caught up with my close work friends this afternoon, to chew the fat.  Managed to fit quite a lot of work in around that, too

Nicola going is not the only end of an era - we also recently lost a former colleague/volunteer, who we'd known forever and were very fond of - and we're accepting an offer on our building, where we've been housed for around 30 years.  And when I went on my walk at the Cairn this evening, I took the route where I normally walk under this fallen tree, only to find it had rotted and fallen further.  This week needs to stop with the endings now!!

Anyway, about thirty seconds after this, I saw a deer - only the second one I've ever seen at the Cairn, so it felt like a nice counterbalance, and the walk itself did me good too.

Came home and cooked dinner, and sorted out the spare room, where Tim and I will be sleeping tonight - he cleaned our bedroom carpet today, so we want to give it time to dry out properly.  He was non-stop today, doing that as well as sanding and painting the new shelves he's made for the dining room - and then cleaning the house this evening, as my brother and sister-in-law are due to visit tomorrow, with my Mum and niece :)

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