
By SparseRunner


Today I got up at 06:30 and took the metro and then bus, crossing Copenhagen to the Danish Technical University. There I joined И, colleague J and former student S, who was giving a talk as one of five in the final of the EURO (European Operational Research) Doctoral Dissertation Award. He qualified by winning the correspondence UK Award. Afterwards, И and I went over to a different building, to the room where the stream I'm interested in will take place. 

I gave my talk, and it prompted a very interesting discussion with a guy I'd not met before. In the afternoon, I was feeling tired, so I did my own stuff, as well as spending 20 minutes chatting with a young guy, warning that what he wanted to try was very difficult 

I left after 15 minutes of a dull plenary, and joined A in the city centre, where we found a very good restaurant for our evening meal 

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