This is the day

By wrencottage


We were home by 12.30 pm, having had a much better journey home on the tube than we did on our outward journey on Saturday. This time we had a seat all the way, with very few other passengers, and it was much cooler.

I did a brief inspection of the garden after we’d eaten lunch, armed with my camera, and was pleased to see everything looking good. The Traveller had been charged with watering the tubs, a duty which he carried out well, if slightly grudgingly. This buddleia was planted in the wildflower patch at the end of the garden last year, with a support all round it in an attempt to keep it in a fairly neat shape. It’s in full flower now, so all we need is for the butterflies to come and enjoy it.

I’ve chosen this one of all the photos that I took in my garden because it’s a reminder of the many buddleia plants we saw growing wild on the side of the railway line between Hampshire and Waterloo!

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