Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands


What a long day. Little Man had nursery this morning, so it gave us the chance to get all the packing done. I'd planned to make a start last night, but didn't. So I started with my case and moved on to Little Man's (I just need to put our toothbrushes and toothpaste into a suitcase). Once that was done, I did the housework (with the exception of the mopping). I got a few last minute bits and pieces then collected Little Man.

Whilst Little Man was having a lie down, I dropped the house key at Sanne's and stayed for a cup of tea and a chat. Then came home and helped out where I could. My parents went to get some food for the journey tomorrow and we had dinner.

Caleb came round for a meal and after Little Man had a bath, he was put to bed. He was tired. He has no idea what's happening tomorrow but I think he's going to love it.

I'm finally having a few moments for myself, before I got upstairs. In the madness of today, I haven't remembered to take any photos until now. The only others are copies of old photographs from my childhood. I've shared one as an extra, of me when I used to go horse riding.

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