
By MarilynParker

Rainy day

Went for my physio appointment re my left knee (lump on it) and she was very thorough. To cut a long story short I have an xray booked and I will go for that tomorrow. I also have a blood test which I've booked but it's not till the 12th.
Decided to go for a walk after the appointment, despite the rain, as I'd taken my umbrella. I had a more meandering walk due to taking a wrong turning on a winding route to Taylor Park - realising I had gone wrong  right away but deciding to carry on and see what turned up as it was a route I'd not walked before. This was my reward - it was a fabulous bush.
In Taylor Park I trotted about a bit and then the swan and cygnets came over to say hello (see extra).
After the park I walked another meandering route to catch the bus home on Prescot Rd near The Shires. 
At home I decided to clean the worktops and the downstairs shutters - after that I couldn't be bothered with any more cleaning.
The rain has been much worse this afternoon so I am glad I got a walk in before lunch. It's very cold for July and feels like autumn - I think we need the heating on or at least the fire. I mentioned this to a friend and he said "It's not bad for November" ha ha.

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