Tigger's Takes

By Tigger101

Momentous decision!

Saturday 29th June 2024               (backblip)

Had a lovely walk on a beautiful afternoon ..... a small selection of the critters we saw:
Dock Bug ..... Meadow Brown butterfly .....Blue-tailed Damselfly ..... Black-tailed Skimmer ..... Pied Wagtail & a Whitethroat ... hope you like my choices :-)

Now for the Momentous decision!

After us having a long discussion, Hubby is taking early retirement!

His job recently has been getting more & more stressful .... not just with traffic or even with the passengers though some of them can cause problems. 

A lot of the stress is coming from the changes at the company & the fact that the bus services are now continuing later so the shifts are a lot longer. He has been working about 50 hours per week which is too much! 

All of this has had an affect on him physically & mentally so the timing seemed right. He will hand in his 2 weeks notice on Monday.

A new chapter will soon begin!

Stay safe everyone :-)

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