Black & White ....

...... is the theme for Abstract Thursday this week ... thanks Ingeborg for hosting :-)

This is a fairly simple abstract ... for me .... not much fartnarkling at all! Shows that I do have some restraint ... sometimes!

A B&W photo of Ivy-leaved Toadflax ...... then a double exposure using one 'as is' & one inverted ..... & voila! Hope you like it :-)

Rained heavily overnight ... there were some large puddles when I got up this morning! We have managed a little sunshine at times today though & some patches of blue sky that was sadly missing yesterday!

Watched more Sparrow fledglings being fed in the garden :-)

The bees have been busy in the garden & there were even a couple of butterflies that did a fly-by but didn't stop! Wish the Buddleia would hurry up & flower ... they might just pause in their fluttering for a short while :-)

Stay safe everyone :-)

Thought I was in trouble after blipping yesterday! "Windows" had done an update & after the restart I couldn't get it to stay connected to the internet or access any websites ..... bummer! Not helped by the fact I had to then leave it to go shopping!

Thankfully after another restart it seems to be working ... so far so good! Fingers crossed it has solved its own problem!

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