Jillian's Journal

By Daring2Go

Fresh snow …..

….. ….. ….. on a peak near Coronet Peak.
It looked fabulous.
There’s a fair bit of fresh snow on the Remarkables, not so much on Coronet Peak, but the skiers will be happier.
There’s more snow forecast too.

My usual physio has gone away for 3 weeks but I managed to get an appointment with another, who was very helpful. I’ve come home wearing a splint, to give the injured wrist/thumb area a rest and for swelling to settle down. I’m to wear it for about a week, using it intermittently. It’s feeling more rested this evening. I was told that it will take another 6+ weeks.

It’s good to have had it explained a bit more. Basically my bones are strong, so didn’t break on impact, but areas of arthritis have been affected and have to heal & settle down. I’d had no idea about any arthritis!

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