Jillian's Journal

By Daring2Go

Lenticular cloud …..

….. ….. ….. forming over Ayrburn Winery this afternoon.
There’s wild weather forecast for maybe all of New Zealand tomorrow, starting down South here. I’m thinking that this cloud formation is its own forecast, if that makes sense.

An intriguing message again at church this morning. This Brazilian preacher is a deep thinker. Many of us gathered later around the large table at the local hardware store café - a happy follow- on.

It must have been my day for friends as I was contacted by some old friends, now living way up in Northland, that my husband & I had spent lots of time with - they even lived in their caravan on our property for a while. I met up with them at Ayrburn Winery and we chatted happily for ages. Must have been an extension of Matariki connections!

My wrist? No better. I need to contact the physio tomorrow.

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