
By Diarised


Well that game wasn’t looking good for a long while! We did plenty of flag waving to spur them on with little result and then right at the end when we thought that was the end of the England run, Bellingham and Kane managed to score the crucial goals.  

We had car drama earlier when we headed out lunch.  We have to take two cars as we don’t all fit.  I headed out with mum and dad and after dropping them at the restaurant I had to head back as Ian’s car wouldn’t start - in fact it wouldn’t even open with the manual key!  I picked up Leo and Bobbie but ended up leaving Ian as he had called the AA.

When we got home (with a Domino’s pizza for Ian since he had missed out on lunch) there had been no AA visit and they said there were unlikely to be there before 5pm.  I offered to try opening it but Ian said there was no point as he and Leo had tried everything.  I never like to be beaten so I googled and watched a video about things to try.  The video suggested you should be able to get in with the manual key if the battery had died but it just wasn’t having it.  I thought the boot was worth a try so pressed that button and like magic I managed to open it. I then managed to get us in the car so that the battery could be reset.  That kicked everything back into life so Ian was able to cancel the AA and just take it out for a spin.  It seemed to be fine after that so hopefully all will be ok now. That car is cursed! He hasn’t had it a year yet but so far a duck has smashed into it, it got a crack in the windscreen that needed to be sorted and now this latest incident.  Hopefully that is Al” the bd luck out of the way now. .  

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