
By MumOf4Wildlings

Smashed it.

Thanks to everyone who shared their traumatic experiences. Quite a eye opener at how many people have had bad experiences.  

I don't know if people have seen tiktok videos of ' man and bear '. I'd choose the bear any day of the week. Being stuck in the woods a bear would just kill you. Man however is a different story. And yes not all men are awful but there is a big amount who are. 

I am so proud of myself.  My hips hurt from my run the other day and I still went out earlier. Xander came on his bike and I ran over 5km non stop. I let out a " woo hoo " when I was running along the cycle path and it said I'd hit the 5k mark. I'll do a few more runs before I sign up for parkrun.  
I don't care that my times were slow only that I smashed my goal. 

Myself and Mr R have been doing the garden this afternoon.  5 bin bags of plant trimmings and weeds. I'm not a gardener that's for sure. But I don't mind cutting things. 

We're having family dinner of big bad Barry and chips soon. 

I have a excited wildling who's birthday it is in the morning.  Lot's to do when they're in bed. 

Sorry but I'll be a hit and miss with blip tonight.  

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