
By MumOf4Wildlings

New cane.

I snuck this photo of grandad when we were round at their house. No way would he let me take one of him with the cane. But this is his new cane,  he will need to work on not tripping nana up with it when out and about. The other device is like a magnifying reader. I had a play around with it. It's fab. Needless to say that these weren't given by the nhs but from the veteran's group. He also has a fancy new light too. And he has started to meet the group once a week.  So it's great for a social side of things. 

Mr R is away out with his friend for dinner and drinks. I get to have a homemade Chinese for dinner when the wildlings are in bed. 

I managed 4.75 km on my run last night. I didn't stop once . Blipper Pandie asked if I enjoy running yet. The answer is still "no" but I enjoy the challenge of pushing myself.  I will aim for 5km tomorrow as I now know that running round my street at the end of the run will take me to the 5k. I did a new route last night so the distance threw me a bit. I may even let Xander come along on his bike of he doesn't talk lol. 

I reckon I would have kept running if I wasn't spooked at the start of my run so my pace was all off to begin with. Childhood trauma sucks at times but it does make me more aware of danger. And I certainly didn't like that a man was behind me for half my run. I felt safe when I saw a police car parked up. 

When I was a child I was approached at night-time while walking my dog by a man who threatened to kidnap me and do what had happened to a woman a few weeks before.  Sadly she died. But my peaceful dog saved me that night as she ended up biting the man's ankles. Even now as a adult I'm always so wary of the dark. And it makes me more protective of my wildlings.  

I haven't really told people about that. But it has stayed with me all this time. 

It's bath night for two of the wildlings.  The other two can wait until tomorrow.  

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