There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

Tornado - Tiger - Teapot!

It was a day that brought us severe weather warnings and powerful storms. The rain came down hard and fast. The wind blew. The thunder rolled.

By mid-afternoon, we had no fewer than THREE severe weather warnings: one a flood watch, one a severe thunderstorm warning, and the third - which DID catch our attention - a tornado watch!

This is one of the teapots I bought at the flea market at Water Street for a dollar the day before. And what good timing it was. For when the thunder rolled and the lightning flashed, where did we find that Tiny Tiger? Hiding in a teapot!

Take cover, Tiny Tiger, as the storm rumbles around us. You will be safe here, in your little teapot! Hey, wait a minute. Do they make those in MY SIZE????  ;-)

Our soundtrack song is the Rolling Stones, with Gimme Shelter.

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