Jambo journal

By IainC


We planned to take it easy today with less time spent driving and things were going fine for a while. We stopped in Lexington, a pretty nice, small town with an enormous US army building complex, all painted in ‘camouflage khaki’. Weird. Then headed to the local Devils Backbone brewery for a light lunch (aka my really small meal, almost unheard of in these parts) at which point I found I’d lost my iPad. And I’d used up all my overseas phone usage so couldn’t call anyone. And the mobile phone mgt app is on the iPad. And S’s phone couldn’t get a signal. Ho hum! So back to Lexington, no iPad left in the coffee shop, but Whoopee! S got a couple of bars on her phone. Called the hotel and thank heavens they had the iPad, left somewhere in our dark and dismal room. Drove back to Staunton on the highway, drove back to our next hotel in Salem on the highway. Remembered why I prefer the minor roads!
Anyway, all’s well, we checked in and headed out to see the town. What a disappointment. I don’t know which Salem the good travel reviews came from but it wasn’t this one. Although we’d a decent dinner in a Mexican diner and then a couple of local beers at the Olde Salem Brewery to wind off the day’s travels.
The Extra was a wee surprise we got on the highway. Don’t know when I should tell Budget.

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