
By Marionb

Cottage Country

So good to be back!  A beautiful morning - no spectacular sunrise, but a lovely calm, serene morning with some wildlife to watch...(extras)  

I sat down on the dock for ages relaxing in the sunshine, watching the hummingbirds, and listening to the songbirds..mostly the phoebe ...accompanied by the drum beat of a woodpecker tap tapping in the woods across the back bay. 

And then..Photo Alert!  ..announced by the loud slap and splash of a beaver emerging from his beaver lodge on the opposite shore.. the same splash that started a deer grazing nearby, causing it to turn and dart back into the woods (photo-op lost!)   

Of course I had both cameras with me..just in case....Good thing, as into my lap had fallen another opportunity to try to get a recognizable photo of a beaver swimming..and this time, the sun was in the right place to get something other than a silhouette! What a great morning. 

Of course, the weather turned for the afternoon - cloud cover and some rain. My brother was to come to dinner, but had to decline at the last minute as once again his boat would not start..the same problem that caused us so much frustration yesterday...Boats have a way of letting you down just when you need them!  I hope he can get the issue sorted out and come over tomorrow instead. 

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