Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

My mum has kept a photo advent calendar I made for her so I brought it in for her to have a look at - she wasn’t too bad today, in some pain and sometimes very clear then confused the next minute. I go from thinking she will be home in no time to feeling quite pessimistic - and back again - all in the space of an hour. She managed about three forkfuls of mashed potato with much encouragement, which is actually progress. Anyway, the manicure has now been accomplished with minimal swearing - she’s not impressed with my “skills” in the least.

On my way to the nursing home I called to get some things for her and passed Sea Salt so went in for a browse. Saw a gorgeous dress in a lovely blue colour so went to try it on. Turned out to be a jumpsuit thingy - button through the front with wide leg cropped trousers - in for a penny in for a pound so I tried it on. Mehhh. Then I realised I couldn’t get my arms back out of the sleeves - I was just starting to panic when the fire alarm went off and the staff were shouting at me to evacuate - WTF! It took two of them to get me out of the bloody thing because I wasn’t leaving otherwise. Good news is that I wasn’t incinerated and neither did I buy the jumpsuit.

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