Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


Hello Lovely Blippers,

Usually Mrs. HCB would be the one who cleans and polishes the car, but you know she has a sore eye, so Mr. HCB stepped up and said he would do it today, so we said we would help him - we think that dear Admirer would have been proud of us but would have giggled if she could have seen us all being busy bees.

It was washed at the Honda Garage where it was serviced yesterday, so all he and we had to do was polish it, clean the windows and make sure it looked spick and span - because he knew that Mrs. HCB would be looking at it carefully.

We thought we did a great job but that was because we made sure we had all the right gear, the soft dusters and all the right cleaning materials.  We think Mr. HCB did a good job too and Mrs. HCB was pleased - in fact, we may even open up a new business, called Great Rates for Mates!

Mrs. HCB says she is so sorry she can’t comment at the moment, but as you know, she is trying to stay off her computer, which we know is very hard for her.  

However, she wanted you to know that she is very proud of us and of you all, because you have been so KIND - and that is what we tell you every week - BE KIND, because you never know what someone is going through and if you are kind, it will make their lives so much better.

With love to you all from
The Silly Saturday Gang xxx

P.S.  Mr. HCB said he didn’t want his photograph taken today! 

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