
By Diarised

Catching up

I had better get this week’s blips sorted.  I am all out of routine this week but thankfully have managed to snap something each day even though I never got around to posting.

I worked from home in Friday so I could nip out for a haircut.  My hair is all super short again now which is just how I like it.

I also managed to get some steps in and start wearing in my Skechers.  They don’t take much wearing in as Skechers are usually super comfy but I usually like to get a few mini walks in first before I go out in a massive yomp and regret it.

And it was the last day of college for Leo.  His summer project is to learn to drive. Lessons are so expensive! Just forked out £900 quid for a series of lessons for him.  His driving instructor is also his footie coach so that was the discounted price too!  I hope he is a quick learner!

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