Capital adventures

By marchmont

Work, work, work

I battled the wind to cycle to and from the pool before settling down to a day at work, a long day. 

If have been better in the office but the front room was brighter. Started off with a long call with S about  staffing and then moved in to spreadsheets, and minutes and emails. If already done some of those in the middle of the night. .

There was some chat with #2 son who's managed to get his garden sorted. Outside there was sun interspersed with heavy rain. Summer!

It was late when I finished and I couldn't be bothered cooking so to Margiotta for food. Watched a bit of Glasto while it was heating then more Wagner. 

The group photo from yesterday was posted and circulated. The nearest I got to taking a picture all day, and my storage is running out. 

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