..endeavour to persevere

By Nick_T

Birkett Bagging

A late start today with an impromptu hangover. Inevitably thoughts lead  to repairing things with a spot of training to get it all out of the system.
So back to the Birketts -  I identified a couple of obscure summits to tidy up but obscure usually means trouble. 
I plotted a route, 4 miles out/back on some pretty faint trods. Armed with the relevant OS map we set off. 
The route started easy in some very quiet valleys, just us apart from a few hundred sheep. When it got onto the fells the going was more difficult, a lot of bog and thick marsh grass,  we deviated from the plotted route when Jess spotted a more direct trod on the OS Map.
There were two Birketts on the route,  Stone Pike & Swainson Knott. 
The blip is taken from Stone Pike and looks out over Sellafield to the Irish Sea. Sellafield is like a small town, 12000 people directly employed and around 40000 indirectly, it pretty much employs everyone along this coast.
There was a better view from Swainson Knott but we were in a rain squall at that point, I did attempt a shot but everything was soaked as soon as I brought the camera to bear.
So that was it, mission accomplished, just the small matter of four miles back down soaked to the skin from waist to toe. Note to self,  if taking waterproof jacket it makes sense to take waterproof trousers.

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