..endeavour to persevere

By Nick_T


Wind and rain today, so a garage clearout and trip to Frizzington tip. Afterwards down to Ennerdale to scope out a sunrise shot down the western side of the lake. As we hiked down to Anglers Crag we were mobbed by Swallows more elusive than ever in the gusting winds.  I noted what I originally thought were Dippers at water's edge.
Arriving at the spot I had in mind I referred to the excellent Sun Position app which overlays sun and moon position over your phone camera and allows you to select a date to see when and where they are tracking at that time.  The result was that I need to be back in November around 0800 to see the sun rising above the horizon at the end of the lake (see extra)..  All I need now is to remember that and have a day in November when we can see the sun!
On the way back we tracked "the Dippers".. along the lake shore, they had an odd "trill-trill-trill" call apparently laughing at us, each time I got close enough to one they would fly off in one direction and then back the other way,  no further than 100m along the shore and land again on a prominent rock.
After a while I managed to get close enough to one for a decent shot.
Having got home and referenced the readers digest book of birds it was apparent the "Dippers" were actually Common Sandpipers. It was great to stalk them up and down for a while, even in the rain and one was kind enough to allow me to get an image, not like the blasted Swallows..

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