
By Teasel


It was another lovely morning, so another day dressed for summer.  I didn’t take a coat. 
I had three lovely chats with colleagues all before 9am!  A big boss, a colleague I used to work with and haven’t seen since before covid, and a former boss.  What a lovely way to start the day.  However, I later realised that I had totally missed an early meeting, which I had to rearrange for later in the day.
There was lots going on today, and colleagues are starting to be off on annual leave.  I did manage to pop out at lunchtime, and two minutes from the office I bumped into another former colleague that I haven’t seen since before covid, so had another lovely chat.  It’s certainly been a good day to meet people I haven’t seen for ages.  I did manage to pick up my John Lewis order, as well as another sale purchase.
Just as a colleague was leaving, he said he was going home for his birthday celebrations.  He had kept that quiet all day, though I did think he was quite jolly and chatty today.
While it was a lovely morning, it turned very grey this afternoon, and when I left the office this evening, it was damp and not terribly warm.  I had no coat and was wearing sandals.  Thankfully it was dry when I got home, though still not terribly warm.  The weather did close in throughout the evening and when I went out for a few steps it was very damp – not very pleasant at all.  You wouldn’t think it was summer.  I left TT watching football.
I spotted this recently, and blipped it today.  A link to  a previous shop on George Street.

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