Evening Sky

After two busy days, I really needed a lie in.  It was not to be as I had arranged to meet an old friend this morning.  We’ve not seen each other for ages.   TT headed off to church and before I left BB made an appearance – which seemed far too early for him.  He said he was feeling ok, but I have my doubts!  He did report that R was feeling rough this morning, after last night’s partying.  The youth of today!!  I think he headed back to bed as I left the house.
We met up in a local café, and were serviced by one of BB’s friends.  I asked him how he was – he said fine.  I had my doubts!!  The last time I was in this café on a Sunday it was absolutely mobbed.  Today it wasn’t, so we didn’t feel the need to move on quickly.  We had a lovely catch up, then eventually stumbled back out into the humid day. 
Rain had been forecast, but hadn’t made an appearance, so when I got home, I found TT busy in the garden.  We were going to go out for a walk, but knew that rain was due, so we didn’t.  Eventually we went out in the car to get some plants.  It was third time lucky, as the first two places we tried didn’t have what we wanted.  We got a selection of plats to put in pots and then came home via the supermarket.  By the time we got home it was really raining and although I had asked BB to bring the washing in, he hadn’t so it was soaking.
TT was on cooking duties and I was on cleaning duties.  Tea was a tasty chicken curry and a potato and pea curry – very nice.  The sun appeared later on, so I eventually went out for a walk. 
This is the evening sky.  The extra is a hare that ran along the road towards me, then stopped!

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