
By biddy

More roses…..

….and a tall Verbascum, in extras, which appeared in the kind of wild patch we are creating at the top of the garden. There’s another one in one of the flower beds. They seem to just pop up, and then keep on growing and growing!
Slow day today after all the travelling, then visiting Bobbie yesterday, which was ok. She just loves our Wallis and Grommet playing cards and enjoys a game we devised for her where we each have a third of the pack and then each turn one up, and place it on the table, leaving it face up. Any card after that which matches we place on the corresponding pile.
Bobbie has to look and match her card to the correct one. She is always very pleased when she finds it.
We’ve been doing this now every time we visit, as she doesn’t remember that we’ve played before.
But it is so good to see her smile.
We sit in the bright and airy dining room, away from the resident’s lounge. It’s quiet in there, and the lovely carers bring us a drink and a chocolate biscuit each! This time it was William.
She looked frail yesterday.
I am also tired as I woke during the night and remembered it was the big Biden v Trump debate.
As I’d made myself a drink and got back in bed I watched a bit of it.
I couldn’t believe the awfulness of the whole spectacle. I really don’t know how it has got to this in America.
It’s really sad to see.
Will Jo Biden survive it? Who knows.
Media around the world are full of it.
It’s now teatime so I’ll stop here.
Hope everyone has a good weekend.
PS It’s apparently a blip milestone today! 2,190.
Who’d have thought I’d have still been here. But being on blip just grows from beginning into a community from around the world. Some of whom have become friends.

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