
By Missycat

It's Abstract Thursday!

Today Mr MC and I went to High Beach where we first had lunch and then took a walk around the so called accessible route in Epping Forest.  We did see one group with a wheelchair and nobody else at all.  The paths have not been maintained at all well and I would not like to either have crutches, push a buggy or attempt to get that wheelchair over those paths.  The only birds we recorded were a robin and a crow.  There were some magnificent old beeches to make up for our general disappointment but try as I might I cannot get a decent (to my eyes) abstract from any of my shots of them.  Instead I've gone for this fern of which there were plenty to photograph!  I've saturated the original picture then triplicated it in Phototastic Collages.
In other news: the Flower Fairies popped in en route to the dentist.  I am pleased to report that their visit went very well!

Many thanks to our regular host Ingeborg for setting this week's optional theme of 'Textures'

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