Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands

Summer Party

What a busy day! Little Man had nursery and I went into Woerden for work, it was my last day before the summer. I'm not going to put Little Man into daycare during the summer, mainly because I want to spend time with him but also because I don't want to spend a fortune on the daycare as I'm not earning enough.

My parents collected Little Man from nursery and went to get him a helmet. I want to do more biking with Little Man over the next few month, over busier routes and I would feel safer doing so if he had a helmet on. When my parents got home, I put Little Man to bed after a bite to eat. He slept well and didn't want to get up, when we needed to leave for his nursery's summer party. He did have fun once we got there, as you can see from my photo.

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