
By KathyH58


I dropped off the wheelbarrows this afternoon, ready for the job tomorrow. I needed some space on the back of the truck for some plants. These foxglove are in one of the gardens so I stopped for a photo.

There is a reason why I don't call a rain day until the morning and today was one of them. Yesterday there was rain in the forecast for all day today. I told the crew last night to check their messages in the morning. By the time I got up at 6 am today, the forecast had changed. The rain was not starting till 10 am, since there was a job I wanted to finish and I knew it would only take a couple of hours, I said we would work. By 10 am the start time for the rain had been pushed to noon. We finished the job at 10, moved on to another place to do some weeding then went to a third place to pick up a load of debris. The rain started just after we dropped off the debris.
I knew there was a coffee meet for the social group this afternoon, so I came home and changed my clothes so I could go to that. I reminded the organizer that he needs to plan an evening get together every couple of weeks so that people who still work can be involved in the group too.
By the time I left the coffee meet at 2:30 the skies had started to clear so I dropped off the wheelbarrows then, instead of going back out after supper.

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