
By GracieG

A Busy Day

M and I went back to Hertfordshire again today to assess what needs to be done to start the process of sorting out my stepmother’s affairs. Having inspected the house more closely today we realise that we have quite a daunting task ahead of us as it seems my late father and stepmother have kept every item of correspondence they’ve received (in their original envelopes) for many years.

Having completed some tasks this morning we took a little time out for ourselves to enjoy lunch at St Michael’s Manor hotel again before embarking on the afternoon’s work. As you can see we had the table next to the window looking out over the grounds and lake.

The rest of the visit was spent at K’s house and included thanking her neighbour and her friends from church who bravely dealt with the emergency services on Tuesday. We are so very grateful for all that they’ve done. Such kindness is humbling and heartwarming.

We were fortunate that both legs of the journey were without too many hold ups and the weather was kind.

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