Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

St Columba

Thursday today, Ali and I had plans to go to Stockbridge charity shops in a hunt for some summer outfits.
Before that though I popped into Davidson's Mains and ended up signing up to volunteer in our Cancer Research shop. I've been meaning to do so for a while but as childcare commitments make it hard to commit to a regular day and time I have agreed to be an ad hoc standby volunteer. I'm happy to be phoned last minute or have shifts arranged at short notice. I had to give two referees and spent ages trying to think who to put.
Ali and Bonnie picked me up after I got home and we had a nice lunch in Two Children in Stockbridge but failed to find anything suitable to buy .
This evening, Colin and I had a Vestry meeting in church. The first since our Rector announced he was leaving us . We are not able to start the process of looking for a replacement until he has actually gone but we are determined to be ready to go as soon as possible.
My blip is of our large East window, St Columba in the thumbnail, St Cuthbert and St Mary's Cathedral to the bottom right and an angel carrying a cross over our church building in the centre. (Holy Cross church)
It's rather splendid I think and well lit with natural light even at 7. 30pm

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