Dolly's Day

By dollydoug


Two early morning shots today.  My Extra of the sunrise was taken at 4.25am. ( just before I went to bed )  And the shots of the squirrel were taken at 7.40am.( on full zoom through the kitchen window so they aren't the best )   Ive seen the squirrel before around the same time but didn't get any photos so I was pleased that I got some today.  He stayed on the nut feeder for ages and was quite acrobatic.  It was fun to watch him.  ( I went back to bed after taking my  squirrel shots and surfaced again around noon)

I walked down to the village this afternoon to drop off a bag of stuff at the charity shop, collect my repeat prescription and do some food shopping.  

The lady in the chemist asked if I wanted to make an appointment for my winter flu jab.  So I'm all set to have it on 11th October.  She had a chart with all the available dates on it and there weren't many free slots left in October so she's obviously doing a good job of " signing people up ".

The weather today has been warm-ish but very windy.  And on my way home from the village there was even a bit of rain.

Around 5.20pm I set off to walk to slimming group.  It was still windy and it was quite chilly.  Not many at group this evening which is a worry as if numbers get too low the group will have to close.  I was pleased to lose one pound.  No idea how as I haven't really been " on plan " since my birthday at the beginning of the month.  Hopefully if I stick with it this coming week I will have another loss next Thursday.  I need to lose 10 pounds to get back to my target weight. 

Steps today - 9,240

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