
By tridral

Mae'r haf yma

Mae'r haf yma  ~ Summer’s here

“If we understand the great cyclic nature of our existence, we will view ourselves differently. Not young, not old, just at one or another point on the great wheel of life, moving ceaselessly through the illusion of time and space.”
― Rob Nairn, (18 Rob Nairn, 'Afterword', Living, Dreaming, Dying, Shambhala, 2004, p. 246)

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Dwi'n dueddol o feddwl os ydyn ni wedi cael diwrnod rhy boeth rydyn ni wedi cael haf, os ydyn ni wedi cael diwrnod rhy oer rydyn ni wedi cael gaeaf. Mae'n well na pob dydd yn hollol debyg. 

Heddiw oedd ein diwrnod 'rhy boeth'. 

Felly dyna'r haf. Cawson ni ein tost prynhawn o dan ein parasol ac yn darllen llyfrau am sbel. Ond roedd y tywydd dal yn rhy boeth i ni, felly roedd rhaid i ni fynd dan do.

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I tend to think that if we've had a day that's too hot we've had summer, if we've had a day that's too cold we've had winter. It's better than every day being exactly the same.

Today was our 'too hot' day. So that's summer.

We had our afternoon toast under our parasol and read books for a while. But the weather was still too hot for us, so we had to go indoors.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Gyda thost a llyfrau, yn yr ardd dan barasol
Description (English): With toast and books, in the garden under a parasol

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