For the family

By RonaMac

Unexpected trip

Needles and natter this morning was good and I even got a blip of the owners dog, which I haven’t used.

An even hotter day, which made for a lethargic afternoon, until I had a call from R to say that S had experienced a bad night, driven himself to A&E in Burton and was now on his way to theatre.

We took R over so that she could drive his car home and we all visited. He was looking a bit peeky, but I’m not surprised as he’d just had a laparoscopic appendicectomy. Now that came out of the blue!!!

As we had a late lunch and no dinner we collected a portion of fish and chips on the way home, it was enormous!!!!! And so tasty!!!!

Amber had her walk round the block at 10pm, better late than never.

I hope that we will all sleep well tonight.

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