Look Out

By chrisf

Melrose Abbey

I’ve had a great time in the Lothians this last ten days, and my hosts have looked after me really well, but today was the day to head south.

I decided on a different route, and diverted off the A7 to visit Melrose and its former Cistercian Abbey. Or what remains of it. Plundered by the English (the bad guys in many a historical narrative up here), and then wrecked during the Scottish reformation, it’s still an impressive site. The remaining building is dangerous and has been closed off to public access for three years, with work to stabilise the structure beginning at the end of this year. A particular feature is the carved pig playing the bagpipes, which sits at roofline level on this side of the structure. It took me a little time to find it. Close inspection reveals a porcine character resembling in my eyes well known foxy hand puppet Basil Brush (extra)

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