Capital adventures

By marchmont

Celebration cake

I woke up, then went back to sleep so no swim.  Anyway it was a dreich day.  Went to the Manor to find a new telephone was not needed as the CAS receiver had been upgraded to 4G and could just be plugged in the main room.  Talked about medication and shoe deliveries.

Then home to do some vacuuming and some prep for this afternoon's meeting.  Then after midday the really welcome news arrived that the grant application had been successful and that the organisation has 3 years funding, enough to get things going again. 

Spoke to A and S and after grabbing something to eat and #2 son falling out on me I headed west.  The day had improved.  It was a lot warmer and the sun was kind of out.  Phone call from L of the Vennel who I haven't seen for ages.  We're arranging to meet up next month.

The meeting was a bit all over the place with excitement about the money and 2 new Board members. And there was a 6 and a half week old baby as well.  We had cake to celebrate at the end.

Then a good drive home to an empty house.  I had something to eat, not cooked, and then a 15 minute walk round the block followed by work, personal and Airbnb admin.

And tomorrow is another Board and another venue.

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