David J. Rose

By djrose007

Girls Bedroom & LibDem Litter

When the girls were coming to live with us Marlane ordered this door sign for their bedroom, they have bunk beds in there.
They are both Harry Potter fans, but much of it is not really suitable for 5 year olds but I know they've watched a lot of the films already, pretty scary some of it but it's doesn't seem to faze them at all. Maybe they have the same gene as Marlane in that she says she can 'see' the camera and all of the crew looking in on the scenes in the films!
The Extra is a bit tongue in cheek. Spotted it on the ground coming back from school with the girls. I was going to use it but thought I might be in trouble for being too political! Title was going to be "Don't vote Lib Dem, they are only contributing to the litter problem in the UK".
If it's there tomorrow I'll pick it up on the way in and put it in the litter bin.

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