This is the day

By wrencottage

Avian Conversation

A happy day, starting with midweek Communion at church, and ending with our daughter-in-law bringing our two youngest granddaughters here after school. She went home absolutely thrilled with her mended bag, which pleased me no end.

While the girls were here I spotted our juvenile woodpecker on the bird table outside the family room. I ran to get the camera and managed to get lots of shots. Unusually, he didn’t seem in a hurry to move, he was perched on the centre pole for ages, just inspecting the wood as though he thought it was a tree trunk and he wanted to start doing some woodpecker type drumming but didn’t know how.

He then hopped over to the fat ball feeder and showed his disgust at the lack of contents by flying away. Personally, I blame the magpies and squirrels. It was full this morning.

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