
By RadioGirl

Star Jasmine

A phone call from my estate agent at 9am on the dot this morning to say that the searches are finally in, all enquiries are now satisfactorily answered and that the buyer’s solicitors are applying to her mortgage lenders for funds to be released for exchange of contracts. However, as a naturally cautious person, I never count my chickens and sure enough there has been no further contact from anyone involved today. And so the agonising wait continues…

My sister came over for lunch, and we both agreed that it is now too hot. I think it’s because the weather seemed to switch rather suddenly from a bit chilly to very humid, with no chance for us to acclimatise. Such is the fate of UK citizens with our unpredictable island climate.

Later on I collected a pair of lampshades which I had ordered online last week from a company in France. They are for the hallway, and are a perfect size and shape - I love them.

The rambling roses over the wooden archway are starting to come out now, and there is a veritable cascade of Star Jasmine too (Trachelospermum jasminoides). I have three different varieties of jasmine and also honeysuckle, so the garden smells divine this evening.

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