Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Club lunch

I was down at the club early. Today had been designated as the day we would clean the courts and remove all the weeds growing around the edges. It was very hot work and quite difficult given that no weed killers are allowed in the village. The weeds had to be dug out from the cracks.The parents and children from the tennis school were there to help as well. Our reward was a substantial lunch on the club terrace for everybody who had helped. There were various salads, cold meats and sausages and a spicy Moroccan quiche. For dessert, we had peach tarte tatin and cheesecake followed by coffee. Mrs TT saw to the dishwasher repair man who came in the morning having missed an appointment yesterday but he did not finish the job. I had to fight with the company over the phone to get him to return before we go away and eventually secured another appointment tomorrow.


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