
By flavia13


A reasonable nights sleep last night so I feel a lot better this morning, which is great.  A quiet day at home.  I'm so lucky in the fact that our lounge and bedroom get the early morning sun so by the heat of the day it is overhead and keeps the place relatively cool.  

I will be going out tonight for the first of my birthday events. It should be good, hope the Pheasant is cool too, will take my neck fan just in case. It should be good, the food and service is usually good there and it's just friends having a get together, which is lovely.

I wondered what to blip so nipped out into the garden as usual, and took a photo of this lovely hover fly on the astrantia.  In fact there were quite a few of them - they seem to be mostly ignoring all other flowers but for some reason love this one - I never knew if was a favourite in the hoverfly world!!!  It's not the sharpest photo ever but I quite like it as I've caught him in mid hover.  

I do get confused between bees and hoverflies.  The phone identified it as a Russian honey bee, but I checked and apparently the main difference, beside them hovering more, is in the wings - bees have 4 hoverflies 2!!!!  I'm sure there are only one pair there so  it must be the hoverfly huh!!!  Of course I'm very happy to be told otherwise;

Hope you are all well.  Do take care and stay safe and  will see you all tomorrow.

That's all from me for today, do take care and stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow.

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