
By Marionb

Outwitted... a cat! 

I am losing my touch..Maggie has deciphered all the signs of an impending visit to the vet, and has mastered the art of escape. She knows my physical limitations too - and chose her hiding spot well - under my bed where it is almost impossible for me to reach her or move the bed!  

So..her appointment had to be canceled...but they'd have an opening later in the day for her .. could I manage to corral my cat by then? SO embarrassing... but I did manage to eventually lure her out by opening and closing the fridge door - followed by rattling some dishes - she has very acute hearing, even from afar...and pitter patter, down the stairs she came - tentatively, but with food in sight, she was willing to brave it. 

She had her "lunch" and her after-meal rest in the front window  - rest - not sleep this time; there was no way she was going to risk closing her eyes. She remained on the alert for every move I made. In the end, I did win, got her into her carrying case and off we the tune of much pathetic mewling.

The whole appointment took about 5 minutes - all that for 5 minutes! A quick needle and a weigh in - which she passed - and we were on our way home. 

But there is good news. She had actually lost some weight - a tiny bit, but still on the side of not having to go on that more restrictive diet the vet was threatening the last time we visited...So all was not lost...

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