
By soozsnapz


Certainly doesn’t have a very good reputation with me.  I think of it as an unwanted shrub growing out of the walls and roofs of derelict buildings.  And the flowers usually seem to be brown and half dead. 
So I was surprised by this really perfect beautiful one, it looks fresh and healthy, and the colour is gorgeous. Seen on the path beside the river at about 8.30 am , walking to Fareshare.  It was fresh and sunny, hadn’t got too hot by then. My GP has said walking (even) more would be a good idea. So I’m trying to do that whenever possible. 
A lovely morning at Fareshare. As well as my admin jobs, I made up 16 trays of mixed items from pallets of customer donations received from a local Tesco. Plus a tray each of household items, period products, personal hygiene goods, and pet foods. As for music, I played the Spotify selections of the acts I saw on Sunday, which everyone enjoyed, especially the Skints. Listened to the England match in the evening - I hate it when the fans get on the backs of the players, don’t they understand it makes things worse? Though my son says fans have every right to boo.  I think they’re there to support and encourage.  Take the Scottish fans for example.  Be more Scotland. 

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