Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Hunger Games

When I got up this morning, first thing I did (after greeting Hubs and Jax) was to go outside to the front porch to check on the swallows.  Almost immediately, both parents started to buzz me, swooping very close to my head.  I figured that they were going to try to get the youngsters to fledge today and were clearing the flight path, hence me getting buzzed.  So, back into the house I went, where I glued myself to the front door to watch.  I saw both parents swooping and flying around the nest box and wondered if they might be demonstrating flight to their young?  And then I realized that there were not two but FIVE swallows out there.  The other three adult males.  I suspect they are bachelor swallows who are still looking for a suitable nest to impress a female.  In any event, the two parents were not at all happy and spent a good half hour chasing the others away.  At which point, it was mostly business as usual with lots of food items coming into the house and occasional diapers leaving.  I had a hard time choosing a shot today but I like this because it really demonstrates how aggressive the nestlings are about demanding food.  This is the male; a picture of mom in Extra. 

And just so that we're clear - I will keep posting swallows until they fledge which will be any day now.  In all my years as a nest box landlady, this is only my second brood of swallows so I'm soaking up every moment.  And I am not-so-secretly hoping that the other males will come back when the nest is vacant and clean, maybe with a lady swallow in tow...

In other nest news...I happened to look down in the lower yard at the bluebird. box and saw two fledglings sitting on top of the box, guarding it.  One male and one female.  Although I know that occasionally the first brood of bluebirds will stay around and help care for the second brood, I've never actually seen it happen.  But there they were.  And that also means that at least two of the first brood of 4 has survived which is excellent.  

And just because all of that wasn't good enough, I saw my first Great Golden Digger Wasp today!  It was a male, which is expected as they emerge from the burrows first.  A search of the sand between our patio pavers revealed the hole that I believe he emerged from.  I will be on the lookout for more in the days to come and, yes, you can expect photos of these huge, beautiful creatures.  The females should start emerging very soon.

It was pretty hot today, mid 80's, but a little breeze and some passing clouds which helped keep it bearable.  I'm enjoying being indoors now with the air con running.  Jax is sacked out on the sofa, also enjoying the air con.  

I decided last week when Nikon finally announced the Z6 mach3 that I would get it as my back up mirrorless body.  It's a smaller sensor but handles low light better than the larger sensor z8.  And it has almost all of the AF features I wanted.  So, I preordered through B & H and just got notice that it has been shipped and will be here tomorrow.  So I know what I'll be doing tomorrow...

Dark with ginger today.


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